Thursday, January 03, 2008

Quick entry. I have to finish editing/correcting my students' character sketch writings, something I should'a/could'a done during my winter vacation.

Day 2 of the "Me Year". I had another restless night. After my first workout in almost 20 -- yes, I did write 20 years. When I returned home last night, since I did not have time to eat dinner before the workout, I ate dinner afterwards, I also pigged out a bit on rice cakes (half a pack), I also added a cup of microwavable rice to my Weight Watcher's meal, along with a couple of slices of bread. I also drank about a quart of orange juice. My stomach was in knots from the workout, but the late night meal didn't help either. I went to bed about 12:01, so technically I broken one goal. But personally, a minute (in my opinion) is not a major break. And even if I did break a major goal, I would still have very little choice but to get back on the horse.

This morning I was very tired, and almost missed my train, luckily the train was a bit late. My day was basically the same as previous blog entries have stated. I also managed to leave the school at the same time

I just fell asleep here at the computer. Old habits die hard.

Post Date - Thursday, January 3, 2008 11:37pm


Jeff said...

Way to go working out! Wow, twenty years? Well, I was extremely out of shape when I started karate almost four years ago. And I got pretty out of shape right before Christmas, just because I couldn't go to karate for a week and a half. But I feel so much better than I used to. Keep it up! And good for you!

Jannx said...

Actually, the time was closer to 15 years. Thanks for the words of encouragement.