Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Quick Entry

Let's see if I can be brief. I haven't blogged for a few days (not including the posting of slideshows). My original plan was to do a day by day journal entry of my summer of change. Well, those of you who have been reading awhile, know me pretty well by now. That didn't happen.

My plan was to start on Monday with my liquid diet. My plan was to spend this week getting my body used to the liquid cleansing, and to clean my apartment. That didn't happen.

Having passed on several invitations to meet a new epal (electronic pen pal) due to me cleaning and packing up my classroom for the summer, I finally agreed on a Monday meeting. I resisted the urge to do yet another "I'll start tomorrow" excuse for my diet. I brought a quart of vegetable juice for breakfast, and drank water for most of the day. The meeting? It was nice. We met at 10am in the Bronx. About 7:30pm, my epal had to return his sister's car. I stopped off at the store to buy some more vegetables and fruit (determined to start the diet tomorrow) before returning home.

Much to my surprised, I resisted the urge to "start the diet tomorrow". I settled for an 8oz. bottle of ENSURE (a health shake) and called it a night. The downside was that I managed to aggravate an old injuring. I banged my toenail causing it to bleed a bit. For awhile, that toenail has been growing up instead of out. Now, it is in a very delicate position. Any bang will most likely cause it to come off. There's more.

Also, (probably due to pushing, pulling, and lifting heavy boxes and things in my classroom, I might have sustained a groin injury. I thought if I just rested, it would get better, well it flared up on Monday, but lucky it did get better. Yes, I know I do need to see a doctor. I have already made an appointment for August 5th, but I probably should call to reschedule my appointment as a possible "it can't wait until August 5th" change. I have HIP, so my options can at times be limited. The downside is that the injures (mainly the toenail) has put me in a lazy mood these last couple of days. I haven't been out for the last couple of days (not including my brief walk to play the Lotto. I also haven't eaten anything since Sunday. The problem is that I haven't done any exercising. As a result, I haven't lost any weight (probably because my body is in starvation mode).

Well, today, I finally got around to unpacking the juicing machine. After washing it, I tried it out for the first time. I like it. I hated the carrot juice, but I like the machine. It took about 16 minutes to clean --the strainer basket with the attached shredder took about 5 minutes of those minutes to scrub (yes scrub) clean. I made a carrot and apple juice mix. Yuck!!!

Post Date - Wednesday, July 7, 2010 10:12PM


Doreen Lombardo said...

Good luck to you on your cleansing. I purchased a juicer a few years back on the advice of a holistic doctor whom I saw at that time for an infection in my leg that keep recurring. You are on the right track. If you would like the name of the doctor, I'd be more than happy to give it to you.

Jannx said...

Wow, I'd just posted this a few minutes ago. Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. Also, thanks for the pep talk. Although, I liked the juicing machine, I have to be honest, I really didn't like the juice. I'll try to stick with the juicing (despite the taste). Thanks again Doreen for taking the time to leave me a comment. I hope your leg has gotten better. I also hope your summer is an enjoyable one.

Jeff said...

You'd better make sure you don't have a hernia! You don't want to let that go--take it from me, it's much better to just get it taken care of (or at least checked out).

Jannx said...

Thank you Jeff. I was of the mindset to just rest and hope the discomfort goes away. But, I'm going to have to take your advice. It is better to deal with something in the early stages than to let it get worst. I'm feeling a bit depressed reading a couple of the medical sites, but I'm glad you gave me a push in the right direction. I'm going to make an appointment today. Thank you.