Friday, July 16, 2010

Quick Entry

I've slipped into my regular vacation mode(being lazy). Hopefully, I will be able to break out of it. I'm going to try to make this quick.

Playstation 2
On an impulse, I resumed playing with my Playstation. I've been playing "Fantastic Four - Rise of the Silver Surfer" for the last few days. Before this, I hadn't touched my Playstation console in 2 years. The last game saved on it was July 3, 2008.

The Medical Results
Just my luck that the day I had two different doctor's appointment, it rained...hard. My first appointment was for the toenail removal. I arrived soaking wet, in a lobby with the air conditioning cranked up high. So high, the elderly waiting in the waiting area went to stand by the main door.

Anyway, the minute I arrived(on time), I knew I wouldn't make the other appointment on time. I was told that "they were a bit backed up" and I would have to wait. For the 15 minute procedure, I had to wait about an hour. However, once the doctor (podiatrist) arrived, I was very pleased. The doctor was very polite and professional. Although the tools she had looked a bit intimidating, she was very careful. She told me that the whole toenail didn't need to be removed. She told me that a blood blister under the nail was the cause of the toenail growing out of place. She cut down the toenail with what looked like a pair of wire cutters, and used an electric drill to file the nail down. She told me that a new nail will grow in about 9 months, but I shouldn't expect it to grow completely normal. She told me to keep the nail area cleaned and rub antibiotic ointment on it. I am scheduled to returned in October for a check up. No pain, and no discomfort. I was very pleased.

The next stop was another clinic in another part of Manhattan. Although this place was further "downtown", the behavior, attitudes, and responses seemed a bit more "Uptown". People skills were sorely lacking. However, there was a quite a bit of loud "chitchat" going on around me. Here (luckily), I didn't have to wait long. I was at this clinic to have an ultrasound taken of my groin area. I was attended to by a medical technician or a nurse, (either or, the woman lacked people skills). I was out in about 15 minutes.

My Diet
Since my doctor told me that I needed to "added a bit more protein and carbohydrates" to my diet, I fell of the diet wagon. I translated the doctor's statement as, "Your diet's wrong start over". I think I mentioned in a previous blog entry that I was looking for any excuse to stop the diet...and I found it. So, what have I been doing for the last couple of days? I've had a couple of dinners from a buffet-styled takeout restaurant, a meal at MacDonald's, a spaghetti dinner from a local takeout restaurant, fried chicken and beef-fried rice dinner, and a few pints of Hagen Daz ice cream. The plan is to resume the liquid diet (with modifications) on Monday. I also plan to start working out on Monday at the local Y.

Today, I reactivated my Twitter account. I don't remember when or why I got it in the first place, but I never really used it. With Tracfone (my old prepaid service), I could use the mobile twitting feature, so I didn't use Twitter at all. Now with AT&T, I can send twits with my cell. I also signed up for a couple of Twitter services. I now have CBS and NY1(a local 24 hour news channel here in NYC). I also added NY1 Weather to my cell phone. I now get weather updates in the form of a twit. I just hope the weather reports are not as annoying as the Notify NYC. I signed up for automated "emergency" reports that was suppose to tell me about important things like school closing due to snow days", but now I get almost daily reports about what seems like every delay and incident that occurs in the 5 New York City boroughs. Today, the report was the temporary suspense of the Path Trains (New Jersey trains that travel to downtown Manhattan).

Well, I think I'm done. I also just finished two pints of ice cream. I will have my work cut out for me when my diet resumes.

Post Date - Friday, July 16, 2010 11:118PM

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Well at least it's good news that you got to see both doctors after all.

Good luck with the diet and with your work at the gym. Stick with it and it will pay off! It's not always easy. Right now I can't exercise, and it's driving me crazy. Really ready to be over this surgery!