Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Feeling a bit better

After spending a few hours moping in bed, I finally got up.  There might be some positive aspects to moving to 6th grade.

I also had my first class of the semester.  I was okay.  I was surprised that a couple of the adults in the room  were actually acting like the students in my 3rd grade classroom.  They both seemed to spend a large amount of time whinning or complaining to the professor. The guy sitting next to me appeared (to me) to be a know it all. I was a bit surprised that he was actually acting like my 3rd graders act from time to time. It is understandable in a child, but very annoying a grown man huffy and verbalizing that he would rather read than do the assigned project, or telling us he's done 10 minutes into a 30 minute project. Then, complaining to the professor asking why he had to take that course. All the while I was saying to myself, "Thank God I don't have this guy in my class".

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