Sunday, April 12, 2009

Spring Break - Day 4

I stayed in bed for much of the day. Then, I went to my foster father's place. His ladyfriend cooked a very nice dinner. I forgot my foster father's birthday, so I just purchased a TV online. Since it is already a few days late, I paid the extra $47 for express delivery. At the moment his TV broke, and for the last few days he has been using a 13-inch color TV. I'll attached a photo of the TV I just ordered. Sorry, I was being a bit of a cheapskate.

Well, tomorrow will be Day 5 of my vacation. Hopefully, I will break out of the comatose rountine I've been in for I don't know how long. The plan tomorrow? Maybe sign up at the gym around 10:30 and do about 20 minutes on the treadmill and some lite weightlifting -- since I have not been in the gym for quite some time, I want to try to take it easy. Well, that's Plan A. Plan B is to start cleaning livingroom. Plan C is to sleep the day away with usual, "Oh, I'll do something tomorrow" idea.

Post Date - Sunday, April 12, 2009 11:28PM

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