Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spring Break - Day 10 (Watchmen)

Another wasted day and wasted vacation. One more day remaining before I return to work. I started with a trip to the boxing gym to see I could get a idea of the cost, start time, etc... The owner wasn't in, but the person in charge seemed to be doing the exact same thing I mention in a previous blog. Lots of talking, but very reluctant to give specifics. I did get a price tag. Group sessions for a month (3x per week) is $160. I think the other gym charged $180 for a month. Even while the guy was giving me his salespitch, he kept one of his clients waiting the way I was kept waiting at the other gym.

After the gym, I decided to visit another gym that I googled, but since I didn't have the actual address, it was a wasted effort.

After the "bus ride" to nowheresville, I decided to go see "Watchmen". I knew if I didn't go today, I wouldn't be going at all. Again, I was flying blind. Without any idea of when or where the movie was playing, I just rode the train to 42nd Street. One of the benefits to living in NYC. Within one city block there were 3 or 4 movie theaters each showing about 8 to 10 different movies. I was hoping Watchmen was showing. Since I had 2 hours to kill, I did some walking. I ate at a Japanese fastfood restaurant "Yoshinoya". I was about to go to Burger King, but the service was too slow. I then killed more time in a comic shop. I walked a little more before realizing I needed a new pair of pants and white shirt. I'm some piece of work. Eleven days and I do absolutely nothing, than at the last minute I remember. I made it to the men's department in Macy's before I had to then turn right around and walk back to the theater.

So, how was the movie?

The movie was okay. I thought it was nice. They seemed to really put a lot of effort into the making of the movie. Normally, movies from books (to me) seem to be a disappointment because so much of the movie is left out. Here, the movie still left out (minor pieces) and changed bits, but it did seem a bit too long. Also, the movie was almost ruined by the couple sitting next to me.

The theater was fairly full. Normally, I hate seeing movies in crowded theater. The young couple treated the theater like it was their private living room. They had their shoes off with the young lady stretched out like she was on her couch at home. Yep, three seats in a full theater. And they talked, and talked, and talked. Yes, I think you get the idea. The woman sang, and hummed during the songs. She asked questions through out. They predicted parts along the way. I was so annoyed. I felt trapped. There was no place to moved to. It was a small multiplex theater of about 150 seats. All the aisle seats were taken -- I like the aisle seats. There were only single seating spaces between people.


After the movie, unlike other times, I went directly to the train. I did not want to miss my train. With the weekend schedule, I missed train would have been an hour wait.

Since I arrived in the Bronx with about 10 minutes to spare. I went to MacDonald's. I ordered a regular hamburger, small fries, and a medium milkshake (I should have ordered a small). This meal was my poor attempt to eat a bit healthier by eating in moderation. Usually, I would have the Big Mac Extra Value Meal.

This whole (wasted) vacation, I've been eating healthier than usual mainly due to the fact I was too lazy to get out of bed. Now, with work only a day away, I am already returning to bad habits.

Well, I better go. Tomorrow is my rat race day. I will have to do in a day what I could and should have done in a week.

Post Date - Sunday, April 19, 2009 12:33AM

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