Monday, December 03, 2007

Okay day today. No major incidents to report, just the usual nonsense. On Friday, a parent came to talk about her son. I should have been off the clock, but I met with the parent for about 15 or 20 minutes. So what was the behavior after the parent received reports of her son's behavior from the child's after-school teacher and myself. No changed.

Today being the first of the month, There was a faculty conference at three o'clock. The conference lasted until about 4PM. I told myself on Sunday that I would start leaving early. My goal was 4:30Pm. So, how did I do. I managed 4:40PM. It doesn't seem like much, but I was very happy! If I can do it for more than one day, then I might be able to get organized and get back on track.

After leaving school, I stopped by my foster father's place. I had to pick up my jury duty letter. I'm going to see if I can put it off until Christmas or summer vacation. I'm one of those people who hates taking a day off work for anything.

I was back home about 6:20PM. I ate a Weight Watcher's meal. I was more thirsty than I thought, I ended up drinking about a quart of milk. For dessert, I had a couple of cups of raisin bran cereal. I used the same cup I drank my milk out of. All of my bowls were dirty, and I did not want to waste one of my paper bowls. After eating, I finally got around to washing the dishes that have been sitting in my kitchen sink for quite some time. I won't embarrass myself by mentioning the number of weeks I've had dirty dishes in the sink.

Well, I better go. I want to get back to a regular sleeping routine.

Post Date - Monday, December 3, 2007 9:32PM

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