Thursday, July 09, 2009

Storm - Slideshow

My orginal plan was to go to the mall to either shop or see a movie. Well, I didn't do either. I stayed in front of this computer for about 12 hours. Many, I searched the internet to help me make a (tentative) list of activities for my upcoming travels. I also watched some more YouTube videos.

It's late. Tomorrow, I will have to move to pay the rent. So, I won't have another marathon day sitting in front of my computer. Strange, I can sit in one spot for hours at a time, but a part of me feels if I don't start getting up and moving around seriously for the next few days, I might have difficulty being able to sit still on the plane or the bus.

I'm doing it again...rambling. My original purpose for this blog entry was just to post my pictures of the storm damage. This time I'm not going to put off making another blog entry because I will most likely get sidetracked again.

Post Date - Friday, July 10, 2009 1:12AM


A Paperback Writer said...

Those are some scary pics.
On July 12, 1984, there was a killer hailstorm in Munich, Germany wherein 6 people died merely from being caught outside with hailstone as big as golfballs and grapefruit. I spent most of the storm crouching under a picnic table in the Englischer Gartens. It was pretty dang scary.
The next day we walked around the city taking pics of the damage, and this slide show you've got looks quite a bit like what I saw in Munich that day.
NYC must've taken quite a nasty hit. That would've been scary.
I'm glad you don't seem to have suffered from it.

C'mon over and see my blog and Max's. We both went on a little outing today and you might find it fun (or just funny).

Jannx said...

Hello Paperback.

I was just about to log off, but I saw that you had stopped by my blog.

As for the damages, they (and the storm) seemed very localized. As far as I know, only Westchester (directly north of NYC)was the only place hit hard.

I actually skimmed Max's blog entry. I'll make a quick return to both.