Sunday, February 10, 2008

Quick entry. Not much to write about, so this should not take long. Today was another rest day. It felt like only yesterday that I was leaving my classroom for the weekend. Having slept most of the weekend away, I really can't complain about my weekend going so fast. I will have to change that.

Today(after finally getting out of bed), I tried to be a bit productive. I finally got around to cutting my hair, and shaving my head. I told myself that if I waited until this evening, then I would probably spend another late night leading to another week of poor sleeping patterns. After cutting my hair, I went to the laundry to wash my dirty clothes. And after the laundry, I did something I had not done in a very long time...I made dinner (see attached photo). For the last couple of months, I have been too dependant on the convenience of the Weight Watcher's meals. The taste is okay, and the convenience is great, but the food is not very filling. Too many times, I have to subliment the meals with sandwiches, or extra food, which kind of defeats the purpose of the meals. Anyway, I decided to make sphagetti with meat sauce. I used ground turkey meat for the meat sauce. I wasn't sure I would have the motivation to clean up afterwards, so I used plastic fork, paper plate, and disposible cup. To be honest, I've been using disposible dishware for the past few months because I've been a bit lazy about cleaning, but at the same time, I don't like messes. Strange? However, I managed to clean up right after eating. I put the leftovers in plastic containers. I washed the pots, and I even managed to wash the stovetop. After dinner, I did my lesson plans for tomorrow only. I would like to leave school tomorrow about 4:30pm. I would like to make dinner again. From now on, I would like to use the Weight Watcher's meals for last minute meals when I really, really don't feel like cooking. I also would like to try something starting tomorrow. I will try cooking for the next day(or days) after I've eaten dinner. In other words, cooking at 9 or 10 at night for the following day(or days). I've never done that before. I've always cooked when I was hungry for that day. Most importantly, I will have to separate myself from my classroom. Another teacher and I was talking and we both shared the same idea of feeling strange for leaving the building at 3 or 4pm. I also have to stop allowing this job to beat me to the point of near exhaustion (to the point where I have to rest for 30 minutes before I can move). We'll see if anything comes of my "New Me" new year restarted resolution.

Post Date - Sunday, February 10, 2008 10:15PM


Jeff said...

Yeah, making lesson plans is a total drag. How often do you actually use the exact plans you make, anyway?

So many of mine end up being the "post-it note" kind, unfortunately.

Jannx said...

Hello Jeff. In terms of utilizing the lesson plans that I write, I would have to say that I use my plans about 90% of the time. Mostly, I think lesson plans are for show. Believing that, I put far, far too much time in my lesson planning. While I am thinking about it, I will attach a photo of a page out of my planbook. Since I did not plan for the whole of this week, I'll take a photo of last week's lesson plans.