Saturday, February 16, 2008

Quick Summary.

Thursday, February 14th (Valentine's Day)
Other than another episode of Drama Queen Theatre in the student's cafeteria, there was not much to write about. I had told DQ if she so much as look at her drama enabler(Cackler), or her favorite target(Giggles), she would have lunch in solitary confinement. So when I arrived to pick up my students (they had just gotten their lunch), the school aid (before I stepped across the cafeteria threshhold) came to me complaining about an incident with...DQ. Since she couldn't have drama with the regulars, DQ found a substitute target...Teacher's Pet.

In a class of 17 students, I only have two students who are on overall academic grade level (one boy and one girl). Somehow, since the girl will usually have the answer, and because she is dependable, and can help speak Spanish to the Spanish girl, that makes her the teacher's pet. Me alternatingly choosing boy/girl on almost everything seems to mean nothing. Radomly choosing students from a cup of popsticks also seems to mean nothing. Lately, when TP gets pick, I get the "you only/or always pick her rantings that the followers seem to like.

Anyway, it turns out DQ had a problem with TP and again she had her 4th grade girls with her backing her up. Having spoken to "Uncle" (late teens), and "Mom"(probably late 20's or early 30's), has had no effect. I also felt a bit that it might have been some how my fault that I was not specific enough. No Drama with the regulars should have been no drama at all.

Moving on. Today the school had a Valentine's Day dance to raise money for the 6th grade graduation. I donated $10. Since the school would be opened until 7pm, my subconscious went to work. I ended up leaving about 8pm.

Post Date - Saturday, February 16, 2008 5:59PM

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