Saturday, July 12, 2008

Baltimore Hostel Pictures

Below is a slideshow of pictures I took of the Baltimore hostel. I stayed for three nights. The cost was about $88 for the three nights.

Post Date - Wednesday, July 30, 2008 12:47PM


Max Sartin said...

I'm impressed that you just hop on a bus and go to a city and stay in a hostel. I've also liked the photo shows you put together from just walking around the city. I'm a lot more comfortable going unfamiliar places out in the middle of nowhere than another city. I can camp out in a campground with a bunch of strangers, but in a strange city I need my own room in a hotel. Keep the pictures coming, as you;ve noticed from my site i like pictures.

Jannx said...

Hello Max. Thanks for the reply. I'm glad you like the slideshows. I like pictures also. I think a story can be told so much better with pictures.

I can just "hop on a bus" only because I am a bit of a cheapskate. That would also apply to hotels. I only used the hostel because it is so much cheaper than a hotel. I would much rather have a single hotel room.

As for camping, my only camping experiences are from my youth when I attended sleep away camp. The few times we went out of the bunks and into the mountain in back of the campsite were great. As an adult, I think I would have no problem (I think) getting into the camping experience, however, I think I am a cityslicker at heart.

Max Sartin said...

Yeah, well, I'm not a big spender when it comes to trips either. That's one of the things I like about camping, especially out here in Utah where there are millions of places to camp with no fee at all. And driving to them is, for the most part, a lot less expensive than flying somewhere. And I have to admit that I am a total suburbanite. Here's to differences - life would be really boring if we were all exactly alike, eh?

Jannx said...

Hello Max. Sorry for the delay with my reply. I have not been my usual hermit self these last few days. I've managed to get out of the dusty ol' apartment a few times. Nothing major, but a minor reason is better than no reason.

About your comment "'s to differences". I would have to agree that life would be a bit boring if we were all exactly alike. However, there is something to be said for similarities...but I can't think of it at the moment. :)